
Monday, August 7, 2023

The Naked Farmer - Part 16

State of Nature

We continue our series of photos posted by the Naked Farmer, Ben Brooksby, a young Australian farmer who takes and posts photos of naked Australian farmers on social media sites.  The naked photos are to get people's attention, and his message is to encourage people with mental health issues like suicidal thoughts to talk about it with someone and not to hide it away.  Ben himself had suffered from panic attacks in school.

I've been presenting Ben's photos grouped by the Australian state where they were taken.  These photos didn't say where they were taken, so I'm calling them the State of Nature.  Above, a beekeeper whose photo was labeled "Bee happy, bee kind."

Ben Harvey and Liam Stapleton from Triple J radio.  Don't blame the Naked Farmer for the concealment of frontal nudity.  He posts these on Facebook, and Facebook doesn't allow frontals.

A buddy bath on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas.  That's summer in Australia.

This photo was labeled BUMper sticker.

How to take a shower in the bush.

A guy and his Cat – Caterpillar tractor, that is.

These guys are celebrating a footy win in a canola field.  Footy is Aussie slang for either Aussie rules football or rugby.

This one was called "Checking the depth."

A campfire and a beer – classic Australia.

We end with a video of a guy in the headlights of his car or truck who may have had more than one beer.


Anonymous said...

The "bush shower guy" (photo #5) got my attention. Naked farmers are a good thing!

Big Dude said...

These are always a hoot.

whkattk said...

"Checking the depth" - that's one muddy river.

Unashamed Male said...

@whkattk - Pat, I'm guessing it's a pond on his farm that he's checking to see how much water he has left.

Anonymous said...

Mate, "footy" is either Aussie Rules or Rugby League (depending on what state you live in), it's never used in reference to soccer

Unashamed Male said...

@Anon - you're right, of course. I have fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Great butts!!!