
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

College Athletes - Part 2

 MIT Crew

This photo was published in the May 29, 1950 issue of LIFE magazine.  It shows the MIT crew (rowing) team holding Harvard shirts that they won after beating Harvard for the Eastern Sprint Championship in 1950.  No nudity is evident.

Here's the original photo from the LIFE photo archive.  You'll notice a couple of dicks at left (click to enlarge photo) that got darkened and airbrushed out of the published photo.  LIFE, a family magazine, published rear nudity, but they drew the line at frontal nudity.  All the photos in this set except the last were taken by LIFE photographer Michael Rougier.

In this photo, the dicks are even more evident.  Clearly these guys didn't mind being photographed naked.  These photos have been erroneously circulated on the Internet as pictures of the Harvard team, because of the H shirts they're holding.  But as the LIFE magazine caption explained, these are MIT boys.

Now the guy on the right gives us a nice view. 

This is not an original photo.  It's a composite that I created in Photoshop, combining the third and fourth photos above to show the best of both.  Smile!


whkattk said...

Well, "let's all stroke together...Like the Princeton crew...." LOL. Any time I see rowers, no matter which team, that song from "Chicago" pops into my head.

But, any photos from Princeton?

Unashamed Male said...

No Princeton rowers, whkattk, but I have photos of some Princetonians crowd surfing naked as part of an initiation ceremony at a Princeton eating club. A subject for a future post.

Anonyme said...

Original photo is special

Oldfella said...

The photographer got a great series of photos. Don't the boys look happy and so what if their cocks were on show!

Anonymous said...

Swimmer with towel his shoulders is a classic!!