
Monday, February 8, 2021

Vintage Military - Part 3

Good-Looking Marines

The day after President Biden's inauguration, a right-wing wacko posted disinformation on Twitter, alleging that as Biden arrived at the Capitol on Inauguration Day, he (supposedly) was told "Salute the Marines" through an earpiece, and (supposedly) he mindlessly repeated it out loud, because (supposedly) he repeats everything he is told.

Of course this is vicious nonsense, and the tweet and the Twitter account have been removed.  As the Washington Post reported, what actually happened was that as Biden and his wife passed through the Capitol doors, guarded by Marines, he said "Good-looking Marines."  I have subsequently viewed the C-Span footage of this, and though Biden's voice is muffled by the Covid face mask he's wearing, he did in fact say "Good-looking Marines."

That inspired me to post a few vintage good-looking Marines for you.

This photo, from the National Archives, shows Marines showering on Treasury Island, part of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, during world War II.

This is Curtis Bradshears, photographed by AMG.  The blurb says he's an ex-Marine, but it also says he's 19 years old, which suggests he was an active-duty Marine at the time of the photo.  Thanks to Men From Back Then for the photo.

This is former Marine Sergeant Skip Johnson just after getting out of the Marines, as he appeared in the April 1973 issue of Physique Pictorial, photographed by Bob Mizer.  Thanks to Bob's Naked Guys for the photo.

Good-looking Marines!


Leroy Douresseaux said...

Thank you very much for "Good-looking Marines."

Big Dude said...

Magnificent erection. Magnificent hanging cock, too.

anonymous said...

As to Mr Bradshear, one is tempted to wrap one's lips around his....