Celtic Warriors, part 3
We finish our mini-series on naked Celtic warriors by looking at miniature soldiers. These are not kids' toy soldiers. They are adults' toy soldiers, used in miniature wargaming. They are very small, as you can see from the thumbnail of the person holding the model.
Miniature wargaming can involve soldiers from any historical period. Some of the Celtic warriors who fought against the Roman Empire fought naked to demonstrate their bravery and fearlessness, and the makers of these model soldiers have not overlooked them.
The size of the models varies. This one is only about 20 mm tall (the height of the figure from the feet to the top of the head), less than an inch.
This one is 1/72 scale, or about one inch tall.
These "Celtic fanatics" are 28 mm, slightly over an inch, a popular scale for these figures.
More 28 mm "Gallic naked fanatics", made by the Victrix company.
This Gaul is 40 mm, about an inch and a half.
Some 54 mm ancient Celts, a little over 2 inches tall. This popular scale is similar to traditional childrens' toy soldiers. Models of this size are often kept on display rather than being used in war games.
54 mm model called "Celtic warrior, 125 BC."
54 mm model called "Naked Celt Standing."
54 mm model called "Gaesatae 225 BC."
We end with an ad for miniature naked Celtic soldiers. For some people, this is definitely a thing.
I used to do the miniature fighting gamer thing. Gotta say never saw the like.
You always present the most fascinating and interesting stories. I would never have imagined there were naked Celtic warriors
Thank God for Victrix and Paypal.
Will wonders never cease.
Parlez de guerriers féroces !
Très vulnérables pour leurs organes génitaux :\ ils devaient être riches en adrénaline.
Figurines miniatures bien détaillées des guerriers celtiques, éclectique :)
-Beau Mec
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