
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Performers - Part 57

 Album Covers part 3

Here are some more album covers.  Above, Return of Dolemite by Rudy Ray Moore, one of his comedy albums featuring stories and rap performances about a pimp called Dolemite.

If you thought that was suggestive, how about the cover of his Zodiac album?

Hemispheres by the Canadian rock band Rush has a surrealistic cover featuring a naked dancer from the Toronto Ballet School.

The Rush album 2112 included a gatefold sleeve (above) with a figure called the Starman.

Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlesslyby the Icelandic band Sigur Rós uses a cover photo called Highway by Ryan McGinley.

Grave New World by the English band Strawbs uses an illustration called Glad Day painted by William Blake in 1795.

If the cover of Hand in Glove by the English band The Smiths looks homoerotic, it was intentional.  It features a photo of George O'Mara by physique photographer Jim French.

Throughout his career, English singer Robbie Williams has teased his fans with glimpses of rear (never frontal) nudity.  Above, Under the Radar Volume 1, a compilation album.

Here's another compilation album, Under the Radar Volume 2.

I don't know if this is the back cover of Under the Radar Volume 2 or an alternate cover.

And the cover of Under the Radar Volume 3 had – surprise, surprise – another shot of Robbie's butt.

We end with another Robbie Williams tease that he did on Comic Relief in 2003.


whkattk said...

I love it when celebrities are honest about their love of nudity.

Gerald said...

If I saw that 'Zodiac' album at a store, I would HAVE to buy it just for that cover. What a wonderful display!

SickoRicko said...

I love the clip at the end!