
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Calendars - Part 57

Red Hot 2024

British photographer Thomas Knights has produced a series of Red Hot calendars fighting the prejudice in Britain against redheaded men or gingers.  His calendars present redheaded men as positive and desirable.  

The Red Hot calendars raise money to help fight testicular cancer, but unlike other British charity calendars, the Red Hot calendars do not hide frontal nudity; they revel in it.

Today's calendar is the 2024 Red Hot calendar.  For January, we have an interesting view through a sliding glass door (and outside it).

February: "I'm bored.  Can you think of something we could do?"

March: a tender moment in the back seat.

April: scanning the Personals section?

May: excited by the prospect of what's going to happen in that tent.

June: checking each other out.

July: yes, it's still there.

August: some good-natured roughhousing.

September: a natural carrot top.

October: "How does that feel?"

November: well, that's one way to get you to slow down.

 December: not a typical Santa, but I'll take what he's bringing.


Anonymous said...

Now THIS is my kind of calendar! Mighty fine cocks, and it's nice to see they aren't ashamed to hang 'em out for us to enjoy. I fail to understand the prejudice against redheads, though. What are they supposedly guilty of? Big Dude

Anonymous said...

When I was in high school, one of my classmates (Jeff) had fire-red hair and a flaming thick pubic bush to match. Loved seeing him walk across the locker room, butt naked, headed for the showers. A muscular, beautiful young man.

Anonymous said...

I suspect it is a reflection on the general hatred towards the Irish. And many Irish are redheads. Seems stupid to me.

Greg said...

My husband is a redhead and I wouldn’t change him for the world. Beautiful thick red bush😁

Gerald said...

That is a really nice calendar. I don't like calendars that hide the penis. Of course, the months that I liked best were the ones with two or more fellows.

SickoRicko said...


Anonymous said...

Ginger men have fire within :)

Anonymous said...

I've dated, if I remember correctly, 5 redheads in my life. Only one was a long term relationship. However they taste a bit different if you get my drift. They're actually sweet to me. And their buttholes taste like strawberries to me. Loved every minute of those encounters. These pictures are like a walk down memory lane at near 80.