
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Protests - Part 54

Slow Down For My Horse

A while ago, we saw how Lauren de Gruchy, a 19 year old horse rider on the English island of Jersey, started up a campaign on Facebook in 2015 called "Slow Down for my Horse," after too many drivers had startled her horse by driving by too close and too fast when she was riding on the side of the road.  She posted a photo of herself riding her horse in her underwear, thinking maybe that would grab people's attention to get them to slow down.

The campaign caught on, and hundreds of horse riders, male and female, submitted photos for the Facebook page of their horses and themselves, wearing underwear or less.

Of course, we're concentrating on the males wearing less, like the guy above, seen from the front ...

and from the rear.

Ride a white horse ...

Here's a set of beautiful photos of a man and his horse.  The "Slow Down for my Horse" campaign was posted on Facebook, which doesn't allow frontal views, but Facebook allows rear views ...

as long as they don't focus in on the rear too obviously.

Here he is riding the horse, from the front ...

and from the rear.

And we'll let the horse have the last laugh.


Ike said...

Last dude is riding bareback?

Anonymous said...

Nice 'horses'