
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Protests - Part 53

Trump Protests

During Donald Trump's first run for President in 2016, some people were appalled that such a person could even be considered for President.  On Aug. 18, 2016, this nude statue of Trump appeared in five cities: San Francisco (above), Seattle, Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Cleveland.  The plaque at the base says "The Emperor has no balls."  Not to mention he has a micro-penis.

In October, 2016, photographer Spencer Tunick, famous for his art installations of naked people, did a naked photo shoot in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, showing men and women standing on their heads.  He called it "Inversion."  He said it would reflect how Donald Trump had inverted minds and caused hysteria.

Here are Tunick's assistants setting up for a second photo.  You can see poles driven into the ground to help support the men and women standing on their heads.

Here's the second photo.  The poles are not visible.  Tunick told reporters, "Trump is inverting our minds and causing us a nerve-wracking, internal hysteria.  I think we're living in a tough and turbid world right now ... where things are turned on its head."

On Jan. 20, 2017, there were protesters in Washington D.C. at Trump's inauguration, including David Guthrie, above.

Here's another view of Guthrie at the inauguration protest.

On July 2, 2017, there were marches in several cities demanding Trump's impeachment.  San Francisco being what it is, these guys participated naked.

In 2020, Trump lost to Joe Biden (though to this day he does not admit it).  Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021.  This is someone's vision (presumably Photoshopped) of Trump on the following day.

We end with two anti-Trump cartoons.  The Emperor has no clothes ...

and for some reason that I cannot understand, the Republican party has changed from an honorable party that used to believe in fiscal moderation and distrust too much government to a know-nothing party where the litmus test is: whatever Trump says, agree with it.  No clothes, indeed!


whkattk said...

Oh, we are headed for trouble. Big trouble. And not only if he wins - which he damn well could. He and his minions and acolytes have caused so much strife and division.... Look what they just did in Congress to Fauci and Garland. But, that's the plan - because it's so much easier to take over completely and control the populace.

nakedswimmer said...

I expect riots, TBH.

SickoRicko said...

It's a giant shit-show right now.