
Monday, June 17, 2024

Photographers - Part 54

Gaspard Noël

Gaspard Noël (born in 1985) is a self-taught French photographer.  His parents took him and his brother on vacations to see different parts of the world.  He got his first camera when he was 12 years old, the day before his family left for a trip to Kenya, and his first photo was of a dead giraffe.

He started doing self-portrait photos as a young teen and has never stopped.  His first nude self-portrait was in 2012 on a trip to Scotland, and it made him feel at one with the landscape.  Since then, he has taken many nude self-portraits.

The photo above is called L'Ombre Enceinte (The Pregnant Shadow).

Although the pregnant-looking shadow is funny, you might be more interested in this cropped closeup of Gaspard.

He likes taking nude self-portraits in wild landscapes.  Above, The Ups and Downs of Human Nature, taken in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, 2018.

He is also fond of using photo manipulation.  In Portal, above, he has combined multiple photos of himself on the tree.

L'Homme de Bercheres (The man of Bercheres) is another combination of multiple images of himself.

As is Jongleries (Juggler), taken in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, 2018.

Un Banc de Tritons Agricoles (A Bunch of Agricultural Tritons).  In Greek mythology, a Triton was a type of male mermaid.  In this photo, the Tritons (all images of Gaspard) are swimming through the grain.

Many of Gaspard's photos involve him posing in strange or uncomfortable places, like I Sailed on an Iceberg, taken in Iceland, 2015.

Another 2015 Iceland photo: L'Extravagant (The Extravagant), shows multiple images of Gaspard lifting rocks and passing them around.

We end with this 2015 photo from Iceland called Icarus' Grace, showing Gaspard flying.  Did he just paste in the image of himself in Photoshop?  I don't think so, because there's a shadow of him that wouldn't be there from a pasted image, and why would he have made the flying image of himself so close to the ground?  For each photo session, Gaspard uses a tripod and self-timer and takes many, many photos of himself until he is satisfied.  I'm guessing that he managed to get a shot of himself jumping into the air at just the right instant for the camera to capture the image of flight.

Gaspard Noël has fallen in love with the idea of the nude self-portrait and its opportunities for self-expression, and he says that he intends to continue making nude self-portraits for the rest of his life.


Big Dude said...

Interesting. Does he ever do close-ups of himself?

Paul said...

What a discovery! An amazing young Frenchman. I look forward to seeing many more. Are there any photos in places with others around?

SickoRicko said...

A very fine specimen with a very fine ass.

peter mark said...

How come I can never find these people out on the trail?

Unashamed Male said...

@Big Dude and Paul - You can see more of his work on his website and he is also on Flickr and Facebook (though no frontals on Facebook). He does not do close-ups of himself; he likes being a figure in a landscape. And there are no photos of him nude with others around; in his nude group shots, all of the figures are him.

Ike said...

Landing on volcanic rock (almost the entirety of Iceland) will shred you. Even walking on it will tear your boots apart much more quickly than almost anything else you can walk on.

It is my belief it has to be manipulated. He has gone so far as to include the shadow. My guess is that he is supported on one hand, his thigh, and one foot by green-screened somethings, and then those things' shadows were edited out.