
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hiking - Part 52 Hike Naked Day

Summer Solstice
Hike Naked Day

Today is the summer solstice – the longest day of the year – in the Northern Hemisphere.  It's also Hike Naked Day.  A group in Vermont does a naked hike every year on the solstice.  These photos are from their hike in 2019 on part of the Appalachian Trail.  Here we see them crossing a stream.

A couple more of them crossing the stream.

Along the trail, they passed these piles of rocks that they call the Goblin Village.

Sections of the trail were muddy because it had rained that morning.

Another stream had a little bridge across it.  The photo was captioned "Move it, pup!"

Crossing the bridge.

The trail then led along the side of Little Rock Pond.

Dan K. testing the water.

They passed several clothed hikers along the way, who all smiled when they were told it was Nude Hiking Day.  They stopped at a campground on Little Rock Pond, then turned around and hiked back.  On the way back they met the campground caretaker (above) and chatted.  Again, the nudity was no big deal.  Wouldn't it be nice if nudity was never a big deal?


Big Dude said...

It would be fun to hiked naked with a bunch of males.

whkattk said...

What a great way to celebrate the solstice.

SickoRicko said...

I did a few group naked hikes when I lived in Colorado, decades ago.