
Monday, August 21, 2023

Calendars - Part 40

 Black Men 2011
Prairie Visions Photography

Prairie Visions Photography put out a calendar called Black Men 2011.  Some of the photos from it are on their Flickr site.  Above is the calendar photo for January.

The calendar photos avoid nudity, but the Flickr site also has nude photos of the same models.  Here's Mr. January.

This is the calendar photo for February, featuring model David Clark.

And here's a non-calendar view of David, obviously taken at the same photo shoot.

David Clark was also Mr. April, above.

And here's a more revealing shot from that photo shoot.

It appears that they used David Clark as the model for many months in the calendar.  Above, June.

And here he is again au naturel.

Mr. July was – you guessed it – David Clark.

And here he is obligingly pulling down that red jockstrap.

David Clark was also Mr. August, above.

Mr. September was the same model as January, but his name was not given.

Here's the calendar photo for October.

And a more revealing October shot.  The model was identified as David, presumably David Clark again.

We end with a bonus gif that I made from some other photos of David on the Flickr site.


whkattk said...

Excellent stuff!

Anonymous said...

Why do they shave?