
Friday, July 7, 2023

World Naked Bike Ride - Part 42


In 2016, an alien was sighted at the WNBR in Brighton, England.

He was sighted again in 2017 in Hyde Park before the WNBR in London ...

where he seems to have had a close encounter with at least one human.

Anatomically, he was observed to share most human features.

Even under close inspection.

He was able to ride a bicycle, proof that his species has impressive coordination.

In 2018, he was sighted at the WNBR in Cambridge ...

and the WNBR in Brighton.

In 2019, he reappeared in London.

And in 2022, he had another close encounter with a human.

In 2018 in London he was observed ... wait a minute, you mean he's just a guy who painted himself green?


Xersex said...

the green alien made me smile

Big Dude said...

Gotta chuckle about this post. Do you reckon he phoned home?

whkattk said...

He's certainly got balls!! LOL

nakedswimmer said...

Little Green Men meets the Grays, though I imagine aliens probably don't have mammalian features of they're bald and lack nipples like in all the drawings.

SickoRicko said...

I love his "costume"!