
Saturday, July 8, 2023

Calendars - Part 38

 Red Hot Cocks 2020

We've previously seen Red Hot calendars by British fashion photographer Thomas Knights, featuring redheaded men.  British redheads, called gingers by the British, experience prejudice in the form of bullying and discrimination.  Thomas, who is a redhead himself, is fighting this by presenting redheads as handsome alpha males.

Americans may find the prejudice against gingers hard to understand.  We have plenty of prejudice based on race and LGBT status, but not on hair color.  (Yes, we have blonde jokes about blonde bimbos, but in real life, blondes are very popular.)

The Red Hot Cocks 2020 calendar cover above asks "got milk?" in a strategic spot.  Is this another calendar that carefully hides frontal views?

Absolutely not.  Here's the uncensored view of the cover photo.  Alexander is Mr. April.

Mr. January, Jared, answers the question: got milk?

Matthias is Mr. February.  Be my valentine!

Mr. March, Curtis, is bubblicious.

Mr. May, Dermot, is making a mess, but I don't think we mind.

Mr. June, Dan, is holding an American football, but he's uncircumcised like most Brits.  So is he American or British?

Mr.  September, Ashton, is a manly construction worker.

Mr. October, Jake, is making a video.

We end with Mr. November, Connor, covered by stickers.  He's circumcised, and under the Batman sticker on his leg is a tattoo of the outline of the state of Ohio.  That tells me that Connor is American, but we won't begrudge putting an American or two into a British naked calendar.  It might lead to warmer international relations.


Big Dude said...

To be honest, Larry, I hated those "cockteasers" calendars put out by those sports teams or whoever. THIS is a good, honest calendar for us men who like men. And it's always nice to see uncircked cocks. Thanks for a great posting. Excuse me while I release some male tension. You understand, I'm sure.

Paul said...

The brilliant British leading the way once again! All beautiful!

SickoRicko said...

Redheads have pretty cocks.

JiEL said...

April cute one can come over and we couid listen to nice music while...

September has the perfect «tool» to drill it in my......

Thomas said...

In Australian slang a red-head is called a "bluey"

jr73080 said...

What happened to July and August?

Anonymous said...

Connor in uncut, he have the skin pulled back, you can see it

Xersex said...

very sexy gingers!

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree wth other poster that Connor is likely uncut, but not 100% sure. There seens to be a "line" which while not conclusive could give him a loose circumcision. More pictures of him are needed !!!

Anonymous said...

It rolls back when he want it.