
Monday, December 5, 2022

Events - Part 32

 Beauty Contests

Of course, you know about female beauty contests such as Miss America, Miss World, and Miss Universe.  Are there any similar male contests?  There are.

In the 1970s, pioneering gay activist Pat Rocco sponsored a Hunky Guy contest, as mentioned on the cover of the the June 1978 SPREE news pictorial.  SPREE was an organization started by Rocco's fans.

Here are the contestants for the 1978 Hunky Guy contest, which included a swimsuit competition, much like Miss America.

And here are the winning Hunky Guys in 1978.

But Pat Rocco also ran some contests without swimsuits.  Above, Mark Bilter, one of the winners of the Mr. Adam contest in 1975.  Photo by Pat Rocco.

And here are the winners of the Mr. Worldwide Nude contest in 1978, again photographed by Pat Rocco.  I don't know how worldwide it really was, since I think it was a local event in Southern California.

Above is a video from the 1983 Mr. Nude Southern California contest.  I don't know who sponsored it.  It was certainly not a gay Pat Rocco event, since the audience seemed to be entirely female.  This clip includes part of what appears to a contestant's "talent" performance, followed by the appearance of all the contestants.

Sorry about the poor video quality.  It was the best that I could find of this event.

And here are the winners.  The second-place winner was the guy whose "talent" we saw earlier.

Are there still male beauty contests?  There are, and some are nude.  Here's the winner of Mr. Nude Orleans in 2018.

Next time we'll look at bodybuilding contests.


Anonymous said...

Which Orleans?

Xersex said...

Love the way women kisses and play with these men!

johnn said...
a great link for the ponderosa male contests

Anonymous said...

Love the one of Mark Bilter standing there naked as the day he was born, wearing only a grin!

SickoRicko said...

Larry, you never need to apologize for the quality of anything. You do a great service to us for finding these things.

Anonymous said...

The VHS video of the Mr. Nude Southern California contest was the first video I ever bought, after paying a fortune for the VHS player. It was a fun video. My favorite is the hunk with the low hangers who comes out last of the group in the first video and ends up on the left. By the way, I have never found a better quality version on the internet, although there are complete versions of about an hour. I trashed my VHS copy years ago.

Unashamed Male said...

Presumably New Orleans, not Orleans, France.

Unashamed Male said...

I may feature the Ponderosa contests in a future post.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic, love your work! Those Mr Worldwide Nudes, especially the one in the middle, so nice. And the full bushes on them. Lovely!

Paul Walrus said...

You wont see it in a Miss America pageant