
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Naked Farmer - Part 3

 The Naked Farmer - New South Wales

We continue our series of photos posted by the Naked Farmer, Ben Brooksby, a young Australian farmer who takes and posts photos of naked Australian farmers on social media sites.  The naked photos are to get people's attention, and his message is to encourage people with mental health issues like suicidal thoughts to talk about it with someone and not to hide it away.  Ben himself had suffered from panic attacks in school.  Ben started by posting his own photos of naked farmers.  Then he asked other Australian farmers to send in their naked photos.  

The competition above was an appeal for photos, offering copies of Ben's book, which contains stories of the struggles of farmers across Australia, including Ben's own story.

Today, I'm featuring photos from New South Wales (abbreviated NSW), a state on Australia's east coast.  It's the most populous state in Australia (Sydney in in New South Wales), and it's large – bigger than Texas – but most of the population is along the coast.  That leaves a lot of rural area for farmers.

Above, arms up in Armidale, NSW.

In Australia, some farmers don't leave hay bales lying out in the fields.  Instead, the hay bales are wrapped in plastic, like this mountain of them in Berry, NSW.

This photo was just labeled "Bare, Hay Plains, NSW."

Much of Australia is dry.  This is in Broken Hill, NSW.

If there's no rain, there's always irrigation.  This photo is labeled "Be the rain, Jilliby, NSW."

This was labeled "Bucket load of fun, Tarago, NSW."  Note the guys are enjoying a couple of cold ones.  Aussies love their beer!

This guy is chain sawing logs in Little Billabong, NSW.

We end today with beekeeper Tim in Bago State Forest, NSW.  He's holding a honeycomb frame from a beehive that he's opened, and the frame is totally covered with bees.  Now, that guy has balls – and confidence.

More Naked Farmer photos from all over Australia to come.


TBranson said...

That is a brave man

SickoRicko said...

The second image down has a great ass.

Anonyme said...

Where do I sign up