
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Columbus Day 2022

 Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus discovered America on October 12.  Some people do not consider that a thing to be celebrated, as it led to enslavement and genocide of Native Americans.  So, today's post does not celebrate Christopher Columbus.  It celebrates Columbus, Ohio.

We start with a man in Columbus who was frustrated because he couldn't take a shower due to a break in the water main in August, 2018.  Since the break was spraying a fountain of water outside his house, he came up with another way to take a shower, above.

Our second Columbus resident calls himself Hood Panda because of the hood that he wears, although he's not trying to hide (he has posted photos of himself without the hood).  In this video he's rollerblading on Interstate 670 in Columbus.  By the way, don't try this at home.  I have no problem with rollerblading naked.  Rollerblading on the Interstate?  Not so smart.

The city of Columbus used to have a statue of Christopher Columbus outside City Hall, but it was removed in 2020 after the Italian sailor became unpopular.  However, the city has a statue of Arnold Schwarzenegger (above).  What's the connection to Columbus?  In 1970, Schwarzenegger won a Mr. World competition in Columbus and became friends with the event's promoter, Jim Lorimer.  After Schwarzenegger retired from bodybuilding, he and Lorimer organized the Arnold Classic, a bodybuilding and fitness event that takes place in Columbus every year.

Unfortunately, the statue of Arnold isn't nude.  He's wearing some kind of briefs.  But if you want to see Arnold naked, we can fix that.  Here's a photo of Arnold in his prime in the same pose as the statue.  I bet the statue would have been a much bigger attraction if the sculptor had shown him au naturel, like this photo.


SickoRicko said...

I love the Hood Panda!

Anonymous said...

Arnold S. is austrian and uncut as 99pc of austrian males and europeans , this nude pic is fake

Unashamed Male said...

The photo is not fake. I did a little research. The photo was taken in the 1970s in a studio and it was published in the March, 1992 issue of Spy magazine. After it was published, Arnold appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and she asked him if the nude photo upset him. He said, “There’s no reason for it because there’s nothing in there – the nude photograph. Why would I get upset about the nude photograph that I posed for an artist for, for a sculpture? I’m not embarrassed. I have nothing to hide.” And then he laughed.

The photo is low-resolution so it’s hard to tell if he’s cut or uncut, but it looks to me like it’s uncut and slightly retracted.

DJWildBill said...

No, the photo isn't fake. Foreskins are retractable, the skin slides back and forth easily, and you don't know how each uncircumcised man is going to wear his foreskin. He may choose to wear it over the glans and he may choose to wear it retracted. Mine covers the glans until I shower. Once in the shower it wants to leave the glans uncovered and rests behind the corona. Find a foreskin and familiarize yourself with their function. You'll like it once you try one.

Anonymous said...

A lot of it depends on how long your foreskin is and how flared your glans is. Though it will slide back easily in most adults. (Most boys can retract their foreskins by 5; at 17, over 99.9 of foreskins are retractile.)

There's nothing inherently wrong with it not retracting, mind, unless it's the result of lichen sclerosus, but lichen sclerosus is easy to clear up.

Gerald said...

Whether he was circumcised or not, I appreciate this photo. I always like photos of naked people