
Friday, September 30, 2022

Calendars - Part 26

 Red Hot 2018

Last time, we saw how British photographer Thomas Knights began producing a series of Red Hot calendars to try to fight British prejudice against gingers by presenting redheaded men as positive and desirable.  In 2018 he produced two calendars.  The first, Red Hot British Boys, followed the same rules as the previous year.  No frontal nudity, just a little teasing, like Mr. April pulling down his pants to reveal his red bush.

And, like the previous year, Red Hot British Boys included rear nudity, like the shot above.

But Knights' second 2018 calendar, Red Hot Cocks, broke new ground.  Every image in it was full-frontal.  It wasn't hard-core porn – there was no sex – but it was certainly not the kind of calendar sold at your local bookstore.

Last time we saw Mr. January.  Now we'll see the rest of the months.  Mr. February, Myke, has quite a mustache, but you may not have been looking at his mustache.

Mr. March, David.  Note that all the models are giving us the finger with one or both hands.

Mr. April, Harley.  So, are those fingers a threat or a promise?

Mr. May, Andy.  Given their smiles, I think it's a promise.

Mr. June, Nathan.

Mr. July, Shaun.

Mr. August, Steven.  I thought this guy looked familiar.  It turns out his name is Steven Di Costa, and he's a neuroscientist in London, but while he was studying for his PhD, he did gay porn under the name Leander (search for "Leander gay porn" and you'll find him).  This guy is multi-talented!

Mr. September, Robert.

Mr. October, Andrew.

Mr. November, Nils.

And Mr. December, Jorgen.

In 2019, in addition to another Red Hot Cocks calendar, Knights produced a Red Hot Butts calendar.  Stay tuned.


Thurman Laughlin said...

I'd love to spend a month with each of these "red hot" studs.

Big Dude said...

Nice. They are all redheads. Is that significant? And they're all handsome, to boot.

SickoRicko said...

Love the red hot ass! I will never understand men who use their middle finger when being photographed.

Unashamed Male said...

The fact that they're all redheads is the whole point. Reread the first sentence under the first photo.