
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Fremont Solstice Parade - Part 1b

 Fremont Solstice Parade

Here are some more photos from the 2019 Fremont Solstice Parade.

The annual Fremont Solstice Parade is held on a weekend near the summer solstice.  The parade begins with a bike ride where most of the participants strip naked and paint their bodies.  The guy above is painted in a design like a Piet Mondrian painting.

Not everyone in the bike ride is on a bike.

I take it these are cowboys, from their hats and bandanas, but I'm not sure what their body painting was all about.

This lion is more orange than tawny, but it goes with the mask.

A minimalist costume that seems to have been made out of cock rings.

I think he's a faun.

Covered with rainbow stripes, is he trying to tell us something about his orientation?

Painted-on clothes, always a favorite motif.  Or is this a comic book character that I'm not familiar with?

At the end of the ride, the participants end up in Gas Works Park where they continue to enjoy the day.  Someone must have been playing music, because a bunch of people were dancing, including this guy.

The naked bike ride is only the start of the Fremont Solstice Parade, which includes musicians, dancers, and creative floats.  Interestingly, printed words, signs and logos are banned from the parade.  Motor vehicles are also banned, so the floats have to be carried or pulled by hand.  Although he wasn't part of the naked bike ride, I couldn't resist showing you this guy with his orca.


Big Dude said...

That slender man in the next-to-last photo has a really nice dong.

Anonymous said...

Stargirl maybe? Not that obscure, but one of the last pre-Crisis Earth-2 characters, because once COIE part 11 hits, there won't be an Earth-1 or Earth-2. Though hers have five points, and Starman and Stargirl both have one big star on the chest, keeping with a common superhero motif of insignia on the chest. (Hawkman wears a harness ao he can do this without even wearing a shirt, and Power Girl's emblem is nothing; she's a nihilist, hence the boob window.)

Xersex said...

7 & 8: look so gay

Anonymous said...

Hate to nitpick, but that is an Orca.

Unashamed Male said...

You're right. I fixed it.

Anonymous said...

The superhero is the Star-Spangled Kid, one of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. The other six members are

Stripey, the Kid's sidekick. Yeah, the adult is the sidekick, what of it?
Shining Knight, a knight from King Arthur's court made immortal by Merlin. As was his sword.
Green Arrow and Speedy, the Earth-2 versions.
Crimson Avenger, who looks like a classic cape character.
Vigilante, the original. A 1950s cowboy. That's not a typo.

Their supportive cast includes a cartoonist who goes by Scribbledy Jibbet.

Crisis on Infinite Earths was unkind to them. One thing about merging parallel worlds is, if there was only ever one universe, then the doppelgangers have to go. Which means no more Robin, Supergirl, Superman, Lois Lane, Wonder Woman, Jimmy Olsen, or Green Arrow and Speedy. No more Batman or Catwoman either, which means no more Huntress. All but one from Earth-2. We see Green Arrow die, and the Arrowverse homages this. Speedy remains unaccounted for, but he probably died as well. (All the villains did a similar act during the time travel sequence in Crisis #11.)

Convergence (DC's undoing of COIE by taking cities from each doomed multiverse and having them fight) wasn't much better: Green Arrow and Speedy die out of the gate. Stripey dies shortly after, and the Kid goes out on his own. Shining Knight manages a victory with Jibbet's help, but he shows his does (Qward, the antimatter universe) mercy and offers an alliance against Telos, which Telos interprets as surrender and destroys Metropolis.

Fortunately, at the very end, Brainiac is forced to undo Crisis on Infinite Earths to save all existence, setting up a chain reaction of separate timelines from Zero Hour and Flashpoint as well.

Unashamed Male said...

Thanks for the info, Anon. If he's trying to be the Star Spangled Kid, he did a terrible job. The Star Spangled Kid wears (1) a blue long-sleeve hoodie with 5-pointed stars, not a blue tank top with 6-pointed stars, (2) a blue hood, not a purple mask, and (3) red leggings, not purple shorts. However, his costume does resemble Stargirl, who wears shorts and a mask, though they're blue, not purple. Since there are parallel worlds involved, maybe he's a Jewish Stargirl (with 6-pointed stars)?

Anonymous said...

Fair. Yeah, Stargirl is the most sensible choice, even if her stars don't really form that pattern.

Anonymous said...

To be fair most dicks shrink in when you sit like that... probably we have some whopper..