
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

World Naked Bike Ride - Part 1

 World Naked Bike Ride

The World Naked Bike Ride, or WNBR, is one of the premier annual events for unashamed men to show themselves in public.  Started in 2004, WNBR events are now held in dozens of cities around the world, though the annual WNBR in London is probably the biggest and gets the most publicity.

Many participants use the event to protest against our dependency on fossil fuels, like this 2010 London rider proclaiming "Less gas more ass."

But messages vary.  This 2011 rider in Melbourne used the event to proclaim that he's single.  There are women riders, but the great majority are men.

Others decorate their bodies more artistically, like this guy who became a living Piet Mondrian painting.

Most participants are on bicycles, of course, since it's a Bike Ride.

But you'll see the occasional unicycle, like this 2012 London rider.

And a few guys on skates.

And even this guy on a skateboard (2018, Los Angeles).  Apparently all are welcome, as long as they're naked.

I have a soft spot (or should I say a hard spot?) for those who ride barefoot, because you can't get more naked than that.

Much more WNBR to come.


whkattk said...

I ***so*** wanted to do this and thought there was no participation in my (un)fair city. Found out too late that, yes, indeed, it is done here but never publicized at all. Ah, well...maybe in my nexct life.

Anonyme said...

Some meaty foreskin there