
Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Today's elections in Georgia made us think about politicians.  This is not a political blog, but, hey, we'll never turn down a photo of a nude politician.  Today's pictures are not compromising photos that these guys tried to hide.  These were freely available before or during their candidacy.  Now, that's what I call full transparency!  Read on to see who won and who lost.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at a Mr. Olympia contest in South Africa in 1975.  Photo by Annie Leibovitz.  He was later elected Governor of California.

Scott Brown posed for this Cosmopolitan centerfold in 1982.  He was later elected Senator from Massachusetts.

Wolfgang Wendland, lead singer for the German band Die Kassierer, often performs nude.  In 2005 he was candidate for Chancellor of Germany for the Anarchist Pogo Party.  He lost.

Albert Rivera’s election poster in 2006 as Citizen’s Party candidate for Parliament in Catalonia, Spain.  He won.

Nudist George Davis in Times Square.  He ran for San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 2014.  He lost.

Not a nude photo, but I couldn’t resist showing Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in 2015 in a type of swimsuit the Aussies call a “budgie smuggler”, because it looks like someone stuffed a budgie down there.  He was well-known for wearing budgie smugglers before he became Prime Minister.

John Erik Wagner’s campaign poster for Prime Minister of Denmark in 2015.  The poster got lots of publicity, but he lost.

Kurt Karlovich ran for Mayor of Sunbury, PA in 2017, after having modeled for a nude photo shoot in 2009 (other photos were full-frontal).  He won.

Jelle de Graaf’s campaign poster as Pirate Party candidate for Amsterdam city council in 2018.  His sign says “Nothing to hide.”  He lost.

Eric Jon Schmidt ran for West Hollywood city council in 2019.  His publicly available DudesNude profile contained sex photos and videos.  This one of the tamer photos.  He came in last among 11 candidates.


whkattk said...

I would've voted for them - if their policies were in line with mine. I particularly like the "Nothing to hide" and the idea that clothes don't make the man.

Anonymous said...

I would have voted for Eric Jon Schmidt. He took at least one position I really like. And he seems well equipped to provide excellent service to his constituents. It must have been a very hard loss for him.

dadangus said...

Tony Abbott as Prime Minister of Australia proved to be a Catholic homophobe who tried to stop equality in marriage and prevent legal abortions. He was anti global warming and stood smiling in front of a banner which described Julia Gillard as a Witch,

uptonking said...

Eric is first in my book... :) Actually, they are all very hot... even the Pogo Party singer.