
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Larry's Fairy Tales - Part 1

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

The first in a series of slightly altered versions of classic stories.  This one stars 1960s British model John Hamill as Goldilocks.

Once upon a time, Goldilocks went for a walk in the woods. 

He came upon a little house.  Inside, he found three bowls of porridge.  Nobody was there, so Goldilocks ate a little porridge from each bowl, hoping that no one would notice.

(Disclosure: table and bowls added with Photoshop)

Feeling tired from his hike, Goldilocks lay down.  But the floor wasn’t very comfortable.

In another room he found three beds.  He tried the first bed, but it was too soft.

 Then he tried the second bed, but it was too hard.

The third bed was just right, but it was very small.

But he made the best of it and went to sleep on the little third bed.

The three bears who owned the house soon returned.  The big hairy muscle bear said, “Someone’s been eating my porridge, and someone’s been sleeping in my bed.”

The medium-sized leather bear said “Someone’s been eating my porridge, and someone’s been sleeping in my bed.”

(Photo: Paul Gerrior aka Ledermeister, in Leather’n’Things catalog, 1972-1974)

The little bear cub said, “Someone’s been eating my porridge, and someone’s been sleeping in my bed, and here he is!”

(Photo: Jim Montgomery, by Metecue Studio, 1970.  Thanks to Vintage Muscle Men for this photo.)

Goldilocks woke up.  “Hello,” he said.  “I like bears.”

“Yes. we can tell,” they said.  And they all lived happily ever after.


2ndWave said...

I will forever remember and love the story of Goldilocks after this! LOL!

Thanks Larry, and a very warm welcome to the blogspot world. Excellent posts.

Anonyme said...

John Hamill is hot of f*