Honey Hollow Trail, Vermont
A few years ago, after a cancer diagnosis, Jim Bornholdt decided to embrace the idea of naked hiking, which he had done a few times before. For him, shedding his clothes was symbolic of shedding fears and negative baggage. He calls it "forest bathing", and he relishes the freedom of going into and out of the sunshine and feeling the forest energy across his skin.
He lives in Connecticut, but he found that public nudity is legal in Vermont (as long as you don't engage in "lewd and lascivious conduct"), and Vermont has many wonderful hiking trails, so he began hiking the Vermont trails naked and publishing photos of his hikes on his blog called Baring It All in the Woods.
Today we look at a hike that Jim did on the Honey Hollow Trail in Bolton, Vermont on June 11, 2023. Each time he starts a hike, Jim posts a sign "Naked hiker on the trail" (above) to warn fellow hikers, but the reaction from hikers he meets on the trail is almost universally positive.
Here's the trail information sign at the start of the trail.
The first part of the trail goes through open countryside, where Jim met three friendly women hikers and a dog.
Then it becomes more wooded. Jim met a jogger on the trail who took this photo of him.
Wild raspberry bushes blooming by the side of the trail.
Jim took a snack break sitting on a boulder.
He encountered a few more hikers. All were friendly and no one even mentioned his nudity. Then it was time to head back (above).
Back at the trail entrance after a great hike.
Jim has done many naked hikes, so we might see him again.
When I hiked in the national park here, occasionally I'd come across another nude hiker. Always men, never women.... I wonder why that is.
Good for him!
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