
Friday, March 21, 2025

Ads - Part 64

 Posters part 6

We continue our mini-series on ads in the form of posters featuring nude males.  Today, posters from 2000 through 2013.  Above, a 2006 poster for shower gel.

A 2006 poster for the German magazine Die Zeit, asking "What is manly?"

A 2007 poster for the off-Broadway show Naked Boys SInging.

A 2007 poster for Trabant, a Norwegian jazz-rock trio.

A 2008 poster for Powerade featuring Olympic swimmer Gregor Tait.

This 2008 Saints and Sinners poster was pasted onto a dumpster in Austin, Texas. 

This 2010 testicular cancer awareness poster features figure skater Matt Evers.

The 2011 poster above, seen in a Spanish shopping center, is for the Marcus chain of fashionable clothing stores for young men.

A 2012 poster for a party held on Fire Island, New York.

A 2013 poster for Twang beer salt.

We end with a poster for a 2012-2013 art exhibit called Nackte Männer (Naked Men) at the Leopold Museum in Vienna, Austria.  The poster features 2006 photo-art by Pierre et Gilles called Vive la France, showing French football (soccer) players Serge, Moussa and Roberto.  This poster was posted in public places around Vienna and generated public complaints about the full-frontal male nudity.

So the museum covered the offending part of the posters (above).  But if some people disapproved, others were intrigued.  The Nackte Männer exhibit drew more than 2000 visitors per day.

Next time: Posters from 2014 to the present.


Anonymous said...

Matt Evers. Who knew!

whkattk said...

I've seen "Naked Boys Singing" - it's just silly fun.
Saints and Sinners is an LGBTQ+ annual writing conference in New Orleans.

And a TV series, which ended in 2023.

I wonder which this poster was supposed to represent?

CAAZ said...

I found myself getting hard looking at the various adds.

SickoRicko said...

I like these!

Anonymous said...

Sex verkauft sich / Sex sells (“)