
Friday, December 6, 2024

Hiking - Part 60

The Eifel, Germany

At the end of August and beginning of September, 2024, a group of naked hikers did a hike in Germany's Eifel Park.  The nine hikers above had also participated in the Naked European Walking Tour (NEWT) hike in Austria earlier this year, which we saw last time.

We see some familiar faces (and other body parts).  On the left is Natfree Pascal from France, who organizes the Naked European Walking Tours.  Next to him is Jerome Jolibois, who organizes the World Naked Bike Ride in Brussels, Belgium.  Next is a guy called Naked Dutchman, then a guy called Naked Adventures from Brussels, Belgium.  On the right is a Dutch guy who we saw in our last Hiking post who calls himself Naked Hiker.

They were joined by eight others to make this group of seventeen.

They set out to hike in Eifel Park, which participants referred to as "the Eifel".  This park in Germany, near the border of Belgium, has no connection to the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Naked Hiker posted several photos from the hike.  Here he is on a dirt road.

Here he is at a rock formation called the Teufelsey Rocks.

Posing in a drainage pipe under the road, front view ...

and rear view.

Here's Naked Hiker cooking for the group, so it appears they had somewhere to stay, not just in tents.

Here they are figuring out directions.

Pascal posing under a stone arch, perhaps part of an old fortification.

We end with the group by a stone structure.  Looks like it was a nice hike.

*          *          *

Pascal organizes the annual Naked European Walking Tour (NEWT), which we saw in my last Hiking post

For more info about the next NEWT and how to sign up for it, see  The 2025 tour is already fully signed up, but people are contacting Pascal about signing up for the 2026 tour.  That's how popular these naked walking tours are.


whkattk said...

One of my all-time favorite things to do!

Anonymous said...

I have to try that

SickoRicko said...

I admire the ladies who participate.

Anonyme said...

The best feeling ever