
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Gods, Myths and Heroes - Part 54


Satan, also known as the Devil or Lucifer, is the master of evil in the Bible who seduces humans into sin.  Satan is often depicted with the horns, feet and tail of a goat, and he is usually naked.  These features are not mentioned anywhere in the Bible.  They are attributes of the Greek god Pan, who was half man, half goat, and they became associated with the Devil in the Middle Ages.

Above, the sculpture The Blue Devil in the student center at Central Connecticut State University by Searle Lansing-Jones, 1969, celebrates the university's football team, called the Blue Devils.

In Segovia, Spain, the famous aqueduct built by the ancient Romans can be seen in the distance.  A local legend says that the aqueduct was built by the Devil after a little girl tricked the Devil into losing a bet.  In 2019, local sculptor José Antonio Abella made a sculpture to reflect that legend.  The statue was installed near the aqueduct (above).  It depicts a friendly-looking naked Devil taking a selfie with a smart phone.  Local Catholic authorities tried (and failed) to ban the sculpture, because it made the Devil look too friendly.

Another controversial Devil sculpture appeared in Vancouver, Canada on Sept. 9, 2014.  The statue by an anonymous sculptor was erected (so to speak) on public land in the dead of night.  Visible to auto and train commuters, "Penis Satan" became the talk of the town, but because it was unauthorized, the city removed it after two days.

In the New Testament, Satan encounters Jesus and tries to tempt him, whereupon Jesus says "Get thee behind me, Satan," the subject of this painting by Marc Debauch.

"Get thee behind me, Satan" could describe other situations, too, as illustrated above.

This photo tells us that, despite the successful film, the Devil does not wear Prada.  Traditionally, the Devil is naked.

And that has inspired costumes (or the lack thereof) for a lot of guys.  Above, a rider in the 2010 Fremont Solstice Parade.

A guy who calls himself Green Satan has become a fixture at San Francisco's Folsom and Dore Alley street fairs, wearing only shoes, socks, and a little cap with devil horns, and frequently sporting an erection.

Even New England Patriots football player Rob Gronkowski joined in the devilish fun one Halloween (above), wearing devil horns and nothing else.

We end with this self-portrait (with some image manipulation) by Brad, to remind us that, after all, the Devil is horny.


Anonymous said...

No doubt about it, Rob Gronkowski is very tempting. A perfect Halloween costume.

Anonymous said...

Don’t tell me, the Devil made them do it !…:)

SickoRicko said...

What a fun post! I like what Brad has done to himself.