
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Photographers - Part 58

Penis Shadows

Big Dude, who follows my blog, appreciates penis shadows, so that's the subject of today's post.  Big Dude, this post is for you.

I've shown some in the past, like Pleasant Shadow by Giovanni dall'Orto, 2017, above.

Here's another one that I've already shown: Cock Shadow by Florian Hetz, but it bears repeating.  It looks like a silhouette of the guy's penis, but it's a shadow on his thigh.

The rest of the photos are ones I haven't shown before.  This is Shadow Man by Ant Smith.  It also looks like a silhouette, but it's a shadow on the tile wall.

In my post on photographer Sasha Kargaltsev, I showed his photo of a man on a rooftop making huge bubbles.  Here's another photo of the bubble man, with a bonus for Big Dude.

This is Keith at the Piers by Stanley Stellar. 

Shadow Play by David Lebe, 1990.

Another photo by Giovanni dall'Orto: Beautiful Spectre, 2017.

Inspired by Antinoos by Harald Seiwert, featuring model Jånne.  Seiwert often does photo manipulation on his photos, such as removing the model's arms here to emulate a famous 2nd century statue of Antinous, a youth who was the lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian.  I think the penis shadow was in the original photo, not manipulated.

Assateague Island National Seashore by Jeff Seujamb, 2020.

Nu au Baton, Brazil, 1960-1965 by Konrad Helbig.

We end with some anti-shadows: a shadow pattern made by the railing on Westminster Bridge, London.


Anonymous said...

I am honored that you dedicated a whole series to my fascination with cockshadows. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and the base of my dick, for this wonderful masturbation inspiration! Big Dude

Anonymous said...

And that shot of the Westminster Bridge cracks me up! Big Dude

Anonymous said...

The shadow knows !
Big Dude and his need for penis shadows.
Of course it all has to do with the lighting and its angle. Done one way and the penis shadows are short, done another way and the penis shadows are huge….:)

SickoRicko said...

I like Keith on the Piers.