
Friday, August 23, 2024

Hiking - Part 55

 Grand Portage State Park, Minnesota

Grand Portage is a state park on the border between Minnesota and Canada.  Above, Jim Tighe stands by a park sign explaining how questions about that portion of the border were resolved peacefully in 1842 between the U.S. and Britain.  (Canada was still a British colony in 1842.  It did not become an independent country until 1867).

You can click on this photo or any other photo for a larger view.

Today's post is about a naked hike that Jim Tighe did in Grand Portage State Park, with photos from Jim's site on Flickr.  Jim is a long-time naturist, and he is happy to let other websites like ours use his nude photos online.

Above, Jim poses next to a sign for the Spur Trail.

The Spur Trail goes up to a ridge with views.  Here, Jim is looking east to Lake Superior.

Here, Jim is looking west across the Pigeon River into Canada.

Then Jim turns around with Canada behind him.

This is the start of the Middle Falls Loop Trail.

Jim follows the Middle Falls trail.

Here he is by the Middle Falls of the Pigeon River.

Jim continues up the trail.

Eventually  it leads to an overlook of the High Falls of the Pigeon River.

We end with Jim at the "selfie station" on the Pigeon River.  There is a little stand here where you can place your camera on a timer, then stand by the sign and get your picture taken.  Canada is on the other side of the river.


whkattk said...

I knew national parks do not have rules against nudity, but wasn't aware that state parks allowed it. That's very cool!

SickoRicko said...

Looks like a nice place.

Unashamed Male said...

@whkattk - Pat, there was no indication that the park allows nudity. Jim Tighe is a naturist and has hiked naked in lots of places whether they allow nudity of not.

Ike said...


Anonyme said...

I always remember the first time I saw my old man's dick, on gym locker room, except for the beard he looked like Jim.