
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Events - Part 59

 Southern Decadence

Southern Decadence is the gay little brother of Mardi Gras.  It's held in New Orleans over Labor Day weekend.  It includes parties, parades, drag shows, and more.

Someone altered a "one way" street sign on Bourbon Street, above, to comment on what happens this weekend.

Of course, there are always a few who disapprove.

To which the response of the vast majority of attendees is reflected by the guy above.

Besides, the leopard can't change his spots.

Like Mardi Gras, there are a few locations where guys up in balconies throw down a beaded necklace to guys in the street below ...

if the guy below flashes his dick.  You can tell how many times he did it by the number of necklaces he has.

This looks like a flashing virgin, but I don't think he'll be a virgin much longer.

This guy appears confused over which end to flash.

Sometimes the guys in the balcony get into the act, like the second guy from the left ...

or these guys in another balcony.

When it gets dark, things get even more uninhibited.

After all, the event is called "decadence."


Anonymous said...

Que serait la Nouvelle Orléans sans décadence, ce serait comme ‘‘Un Tramway nommé Désir” sans Blanche DuBois.
-Beau Mechanical

SickoRicko said...

Those guys are having fun.

Gerald said...

WOW, what a neat event. I would love seeing fellows be bold and show their penises, and that bottom photo is really nice!