
Friday, July 5, 2024

Calendars - Part 54

Yummy Calendar 2024

In 2024, Yummy magazine produced a nude calendar with an interesting twist.  It provides 12 months of rear view photos of nude men, like cover boy Owen Lindberg ...

and Mr. March, Stan Miagchilo ...

but if you flip the calendar over, it also provides 12 months of frontal views of the same models.  Here's the frontal view of Mr. March, Stan Miagchilo.

Here's the frontal view of Mr. January, who is also our cover boy, Owen Lindberg.

I found all the rear views in the calendar online, but the frontal views were censored with the frontal nudity blocked.  I'm not showing you those censored views.  I was able to find uncensored versions of a few of the frontal photos, but only a few.

This is Mr. February, Giove Taioli.

Mr. April, Paul Ferrari.

Mr. May, Sepanta Arya.

Here's the frontal view of Mr. May, Sepanta Arya.

Mr. June, Michael Samperi.

Mr. July, Steve Swish.

Mr. August, Geoffrey Camus.

Mr.  September, Marian Rey.

Mr. October, Anthony Wilgen.

Mr. November, Ian Ogoh.

Surprise!  The frontal view of Ian Ogoh.

Mr.  December, Joel Conceicao.

I think this was the back cover, which became the front cover when you flipped over the calendar to show the frontal photos.  It's our cover boy Owen Lindberg again.  Unfortunately, the photo is censored, but I thought it was worth showing.

We end with a short video from one of the websites selling the calendar.  This is Mr. April, Paul Ferrari.  Yummy, indeed!


Anonymous said...

When is our society going to admit that men have dicks, and they are not shameful? BigDude here.

whkattk said...

There is nothing better than being naked on the beach!

Gerald said...

That's the way I feel too.

SickoRicko said...

Nice collection of hot men!

Anonymous said...

12 months of fun and buns :-)

Naked Atheist said...

Owen and Michael are particularly yummy!

Anonymous said...

In preparation for College frat initiation my grandpa took us fishing on vacation from coffee to sleep time we were nude no embarresson. Nothing wrong with a bunch of guys all naked together. I grew up seeing my male friends and classmates naked, and with them seeing me naked for brief periods several times a week, from elementary school PE, through high school but this feeling was liberating