
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Estonian Photos - Part 18

 Estonian Photos

Here's another group of photos from the Tartu Ülikooli museum of anthropology in Estonia.

For those who haven't seen my previous posts in this series, a few words of explanation.  The museum provides no information about the men, other than the photos came from the Institute of Anatomy.  In particular, it does not say who these men are, or when or why the photos were taken.

My best guess is that they are military recruits.  The very short haircuts suggest that these photos were taken during or shortly after the enlistment process.

The dark faces and hands of many of the men suggests that they are either deeply tanned from working outside like farmers, or they are dirty from working in a place like a coal mine.  Estonia doesn't have any coal mines, but it has oil shale mines, which would make the workers just as dirty.  Or if they're recruits, maybe the Army put them to work on something dirty.

When were the photos taken?  My assumption has been between World War I and World War II, when Estonia was an independent country with its own military.  Before WWI, Estonia was part of the Russian Empire, and after WWII, Estonia was part of the Soviet Union until 1991.

A clue to the time frame is that these photographs were made on glass plates, not film.  Dry glass-plate photography started in 1871 and began to fall out of use in the 1920s.  I found some references to it in Estonia through the 1930s.

One other clue to the time frame of these photos is that in a previous batch, one of the men is wearing a wristwatch.   Wristwatches were considered to be for ladies before World War I.  (Men used pocket watches.)  However, during the war, wristwatches proved very useful for soldiers and pilots.  After WWI, wristwatches came into fashion for men. 

Although they were evidently rare in Estonia (only two men wore a wristwatch among the hundreds that were photographed), it suggests that these photos are post-World War I.

Since the use of glass plates fell out of use in the 1920s, I think the photos were most likely taken shortly after World War I.

Something happened at the bottom of this photo, perhaps during the processing of the glass plate.

Although these appear to be military recruits, these may not not be military photos.  We know that the museum that currently has the photos got them from the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Tartu.  If these are military photos, why would they end up at the Institute of Anatomy?

A more likely possibility is that the photos were taken by academics.  Scientists at the Institute of Anatomy were doing studies to try to measure what they considered racial characteristics of the population by measuring the body, including phrenology (measuring the skull), ideas which are now discredited.

I think that the scientists at the Institute of Anatomy may have persuaded the military to let them take photographs of the naked new recruits for "research" purposes.  I have no written evidence to support this idea, but since the photos were at the Institute of Anatomy, and the photo subjects appear to be military recruits, it's now my best guess as to what happened.

One other question that perennially arises from these photos is: why were the men photographed in pairs?  Was it to save film?

The answer is that these photos were made on glass plates, which were more expensive and involved more labor than film, so yes, it's likely that the men were photographed in pairs to save on glass plates.

So, bottom line: My best guess is that these photos were taken after World War I, the subjects are new or recent Army recruits, and the Estonian military allowed scientists from the Institute of Anatomy to take photos of the naked recruits for "research".


Gerald said...

It is good to see the average man's penis. I can't help but think that the photographer and his assistants DIDN’T enjoy their job!

SickoRicko said...

I always enjoy seeing their butts.

Gene Perry said...

554... nice ass.

Anonymous said...

At the start of series on the museum web site, the men are more "normal" (as in less military) , and only one per image. At picture 126, sideways, you see he has a ring on ring finger, but an odd one. He is circumcised.
Also notable at start of series is the change of "set" Initial images just white bakcground. Then a wblack background.

By 117, change of set, and you see a cord of food on side and cubboard wirh glass doors.
By 130, the cord of wood is covered but still there. Still 1 per picture.

Then by 186, it changes to the 2 person per photo setyp to the end with no "environment" such as cupboard , funtuture etc as in previuos ones.

83 also has wristwatch.

One possibility (just theory) first batch were solo because volunteers from public and privacy more importrant and then 2*2 for military who are not shy/affraid to be naked next to each other.

Anonymous said...

555 is my twin cock!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting selection of photos.
I don't know if you have access to the original source, but 1 to 181 are all taken solo.
Then from 182, they are all (basically) taken in pairs.

That's not the only interesting change. 1 to 181 don't have shaved heads and don't have farmers tans. Now, it could be they were taken in winter and the others in summer, but I was wondering if 1 to 181 were officers and 182 up for not.

Great to see them published here.

Unashamed Male said...

@Anon - Yes, I have access to all the photos from the Tartu Ülikooli museum. I have been presenting them in reverse order, postponing the irregularities of the first photos, but we'll get to them eventually.