
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Events - Part 52

 Gay Pride, Madrid

Madrid, Spain, holds an event at the beginning of July each year called Orgullo Gay (Gay Pride).  In the early years, someone would occasionally turn up naked, like this guy in 2012.

In 2013 these guys found something to suck.

But ever since 2014, a group of naturists have shown up at the event, calling it Orgullo Nudista (Nudist Pride).  The guy at right is Jérôme Jolibois, who organizes the World Naked Bike Ride events in Brussels, Belgium.

Some people dress up for the event; others dress down.  This guy in 2015 has a nicely coordinated hat, tie, fan, wristband,  and socks.

This guy, body-painted as a white tiger, found his prey in 2015.

The Orgullo Nudista group in 2016.

In 2017 they were joined by FKK lad, whom we have seen before.  He's a transplanted Australian who lives in Germany.

These guys in 2018 aren't quite naked – they're wearing Borat costumes – but they make an arresting sight.

The Orgullo Nudista group in 2019.  FKK lad is among them.

And here he is at left posing with some friends.

Here's the group in 2022.

Marching in the parade in July, 2023.

We end with this guy in 2020.  You've heard the insult "Blow it out your ass."  Well, this guy appears to have the unusual talent of blowing bubbles.


Xersex said...

#2 love those two guys sucking pink dicks!

Ike said...

The necklaces on the lollipop guys look like they'd be annoying to wear.

Perhaps the streets of Madrid are cleaner and cooler than here because I see some barefoot folks

SickoRicko said...

Those bubbles are a little weird.