
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Protests - Part 39

 Carnival Against Capital

On June 18, 1999, a protest called Carnival Against Capital was held in London, coinciding with the G8 summit in Cologne, Germany.  Some protesters showed up naked, above.

The protesters marched in the City of London, which is the name for London's financial district.

Another view of the naked protesters.

Here we see our protesters rising to the occasion for full visibility.

Another naked protester handed out leaflets.

Someone opened up a fire hydrant and people played in it.  This is not the same briefcase-carrying naked guy as in the first photo; this guy is balding and barefoot.

And we get a front view of our balding briefcase-carrying friend.

Eventually, some protesters broke into the building housing the London International Financial Futures Exchange.  Police were called out and pushed all the protesters out of the City of London district.

Ten days later, on June 28, these two guys approached Britain's Houses of Parliament to protest for the right to be naked in public.  

Here they are approaching Parliament.  The photo caption said they had been in the Carnival Against Capital protest.  The guy with the beard appears to be be the one who had the NAKED PROTEST sign.  I couldn't find any photos of his long-haired friend at the Carnival Against Capital protest, but we'll take their word that he was there, too.


Big Dude said...

Nice to see only males naked.

Xersex said...

I'm always happy to see men naked!

whkattk said...

Public nudity gets a bad rap! But, to be honest, it's the few who ruin it for the many with public sex acts. If we want the world to accept that nude isn't lewd, the public sex would have to cease.

Anonymous said...

They're definitely not ashamed

nakedswimmer said...

Capitalism embraces, and sells, female nudity.