
Monday, July 24, 2023

Ads - Part 39

Stella Artois

Stella Artois rolled out an unfiltered beer product last year with the commercial above, showing a nude bartender delivering a glass of beer in a nudist village.  The tag line is "Beer, au naturel," and the claim is that unfiltered beer lets the natural flavor of the hops come through.

That's cute, but it's carefully staged so that you can't actually see any nudity.

A couple of print ads carry the same theme, showing the nudist beer drinkers without actually revealing anything.

Here's another print ad.

But a set of "making of" photos for the ad revealed a little more.  Above, we see that the server is wearing some kind of stick-on pouch, so he's not actually naked in front.

However, in the rear, he was "au naturel."

We'll toast this Belgian beer by saying Santé! (French) and Skal! (Flemish).


Big Dude said...


Xersex said...

and nice!

whkattk said...

It really is a very fun commercial. The clever hiding of the crotch is what does it.

Gerald said...

The European countries are so much bolder and more sensible about nudity than here in the United States. I have seen a video ad by a company in France that makes health- care creams, and it is beautiful. It has employees totally naked, both males and females (one of them pregnant). Penises are prominently and beautifully displayed. Since I have quite the obsession about penises I really liked this.

Gerald said...

Oh, the name of the company is Elave.

SickoRicko said...

The bartender has a very nice butt.

JiEL said...

Funny commercial but personnaly, I don't like Stella Artois as I find that beer a bit too much «sugary» on its taste.

We can buy some in Montreal, Canada, but I prefere Canadian beer.

Unashamed Male said...

@Gerald - Thanks for pointing out the Elave commercial. I will feature it in a future post.

Gerald said...

I'll look forward to that. I think many here will like it.

Phil said...

I watched the Elave commercial. It will be interesting to see how Larry features it here and what others think about it.