
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Weighing In - Part 31

 Scott Fitzgerald

Scott Fitzgerald, born in 1991, is a British professional boxer.  As an amateur, he won the gold medal in the welterweight division in the British Commonwealth Games in 2014.  Above, he weighs in for a match against Anthony Fowler on Mar. 30, 2019 in Liverpool, England.  He fails to make weight, even after stripping naked, and is given one hour to lose weight and weigh in again.

On his second try, he makes weight.

Here's the last part of the second weigh-in from a different angle.  Unfortunately, some parts are blurred.

And here it is from another angle.

Scott Fitzgerald won that fight, winning the international super-welterweight title.  To date, his professional record is 15 wins and 0 losses.  So, he's not just a pretty face ... or a pretty whatever.


Xersex said...

don't be shy, darling!

Big Dude said...

Why the hell do they strip naked, then hide behind a towel? If women are present, get them the hell out of here. If there are no females, who gives a damn if the male is naked?

SickoRicko said...

He's a cutie alright. How did he lose the weight? A quick colonic?

Unashamed Male said...

For quick weight loss, usually fighters try to dehydrate by sweating it off in a sauna or steam room.

jimboylan2 said...
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jimboylan2 said...

How much do a fighter's weigh-in trunks weigh?

Unashamed Male said...

Only a few ounces, but if the fighter is over the weight limit by a few ounces, it can make the difference between being allowed to fight or losing by default and paying penalties.

Paul Walrus said...

In the 1970s Weightlifters, bodybuilders, and boxers all weighed in naked.
The option to come early and watch the formality was part of the ticket price.
Men women and children weren't banned, just press cameras.
American prudish kept most women and children out, unless sophisticated women, or progressive parents.