
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Protests - Part 23

Manifestation nue, Montreal, 2012

In the 1960s, the government of Quebec instituted a publicly funded college system, with tuition fees frozen at low levels so that anyone could attend college who wanted to.  In 2012, the government proposed increasing tuition from $2168 to $3793, a 75% increase.  Students protested the increase, and many students went on strike.

In response, on May 18 the government passed Bill 78, which suspended classes at colleges where protests were happening, restricted the right of university employees to strike, and made demonstrations illegal unless approved in advance by the police.

Passage of the bill was immediately followed by major protests in Montreal and a breakdown of law and order at night.

On June 7, 2012, a "manifestation nue" (naked demonstration) was held in Montreal.  It was also called the "maNUfestation," a combination of the French words "manifestation" (demonstration) and "nu" (naked).  Almost all the protesters wore underwear, because public nudity was illegal in Montreal.  However, a few brave souls went totally nude, like the guys above ...

and this guy ...

and this guy.

This video shows three guys who climbed up onto a monument above the crowd.  After a count down in French, they strip naked to the crowd's approval.

Later, one of the three guys on the monument was interviewed by Quebec TV.

Here's a clip of him being interviewed (in French).  The symbol of the student protest was a red square, and you can see it painted on him just above his privates.

I think this is one of the TV crew congratulating him afterwards.

A student being decorated for another protest march on July 28.  Bill 78 was repealed in August, 2012, and students on strike returned to class.


SickoRicko said...

I love your naked protests posts.

JiEL said...

This was not attended by all university or college students. Only the ones in «soft» courses were out there to protest that change of «university» fees not college (CEGEP) fees. Here in Province of Quebec, the university fees are paid at the range of 82% by the governement and the other 18% are paid by the students. We have the lowest university fees in the world and compare to US ones, it's cheaper. What they were demanding is «FREE» university fees. What is contracdictory is that some of those «students» would go to Apple store to get the newest IPhone but said they cannot afford our low cost university fees....

Unashamed Male said...

Thanks for the clarification, JiEL.