
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Protests - Part 20

Republican Presidents

Democratic presidents have come in for their share of criticism, but it seems that critics of Republicans are more likely to get naked.  Above is a photo that we have seen previously of protesters at the Republican National Convention in 1972 that nominated Richard Nixon.  There were some naked women protesters, too, who I have cropped out.

A protester in a Nixon mask in 1974 as the Watergate scandal headed toward impeachment, which Nixon avoided by resigning.

Protesters at the 2004 Republican National Convention that nominated George W. Bush.  They are AIDS activists protesting cuts in AIDS funding.

A 2007 protest in San Francisco was called Beach Impeach.  Protesters opposing the war in Iraq were calling for impeachment of President George W. Bush.  There only seems to be one naked protester.

The protesters, including the naked guy, lay down on the beach in a photo labeled "A is for Ass."  What's going on?

That's what's going on.  Although you can't see it, the naked protester was part of the letter A.

Another George W. Bush critic in 2009 poses by a street sign that conveniently says "End Bush."

in 2016, these World Naked Bike Ride participants were protesting Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Accords on global warming.

Protesters at Trump's inauguration on January 17, 2017.

These guys were part of a march in San Francisco supporting impeachment of President Trump in July, 2017.  I'm sure there will be more naked political protests in the future.


Big Dude said...

Thanks for cropping out the females in pic #1. I like the "end Bush" man!

SickoRicko said...

I love your stuff.

Anonymous said...
