
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Vintage Athletes - Part 17

Brooklyn Dodgers, May 23, 1955

I previously posted photos of the Brooklyn Dodgers taken on May 23, 1955 by LIFE photographer John Dominis.  Well, there was another LIFE photographer in the locker room that same day, Francis Miller.  Here are some of the photos he took.

Above is what I call a background shot.  The photographer was concentrating on the player sitting in the foreground and probably didn't notice Frank Kellert's butt in the background.

This photo is an even more classic background shot.  Same foreground, but now we see Pee Wee Reese full-frontal in the background.

Another background shot captures Joe Black in front of his locker.

Here's a frontal glimpse of Jackie Robinson as he puts on deodorant.

Some unidentified players shaving.  Walking around naked and shaving naked in the locker room was normal male behavior back then, even with photographers present.  None of these images were ever published in LIFE, but this one could have been.  Rear male nudity was perfectly acceptable, even in a family magazine.


SickoRicko said...

Nice butt on that last one!

Anonyme said...

I remember locker room like these