
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Weighing In - Part 2

Sugar Ray Robinson

Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-1989) is considered one of the greatest boxers of all time.  He held the world welterweight title from 1946 to 1951 and the world middleweight title in 1951 and, after retiring, came back and won it again in 1955.

The first three photos are from the LIFE magazine photo archive.  None were published in the magazine.

This photo of Robinson weighing in was taken in 1955 by LIFE photographer Grey Villet.  Nobody seems concerned about modesty.

Here's Robinson weighing in for a fight with Carmen Basilio in 1957 or 1958, taken by LIFE photographer George Silk.

Another view of Robinson's weigh-in for the Basilio fight.  Officials were holding up a cloth to screen the view of the fighter from the audience, but photographer George Silk had a better view.

Here's Sugar Ray before a fight with Jean Stock in November 1950.  Photo by Walter Carone.  No false modesty with this guy.  He was the world champion and he knew it.


whkattk said...

Never a fan of boxing. But, when did they switch to bike shorts(?) for the weigh-in?

Unashamed Male said...

Im not a fan of boxing either, just naked weigh-ins. Many vintage weigh-in photos show them wearing boxing trunks, but some wore underpants, including tighty whities. One guy even wore a jock strap. So I think they wear whatever they want to. "What to wear when weighing in" might be a good subject for one of my future posts.

Anonyme said...

No shame.... That's what I love about these.