
Sunday, February 14, 2021



For Valentine's Day, some (mostly vintage) kissing photos.

This Harry Bush cartoon says “Kiss a Marine and see what happens.”  Read on to see what happens when you kiss a serviceman.

What happens when you kiss a sailor?  This is a 1942 photo of two sailors on leave in San Diego.  ACT-UP used this image on a T-shirt.  Very sweet.

But here's the original uncropped image of the sailors kissing, from the Kinsey Institute.  That’s what happens when you kiss a sailor!

What happens when you kiss a soldier?  In 1945, Nazi Germany had just been conquered by Russian and Allied armies.  In celebration, a Russian and American soldier kiss.  This photo became known as the “friendship kiss.”  We don’t know how far the new international friendship was taken after dinner.

Two guys in a photo booth in 1953.  The booth’s automated photo development was a way to avoid having to send in your film to be developed, in the days when a photo like this would get you in trouble.

French runner Alain Mimoun (right) kissing Czech runner Emil Zatopek to congratulate him at the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, captured by LIFE photographer Ralph Crane.  Mimoun would have been the world champion long-distance runner, except Zatopek kept beating him.  Despite their rivalry, they forged a friendship.  Mimoun finally beat Zatopek in the marathon at the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne.  “Emil, congratulate me,” he said.  Zatopek embraced and kissed him.  “For me, that was better than a medal,” Mimoun said later.

A moment at a 1962 track meet between the U.S. and Russia, captured by LIFE photographer John Dominis.  Another kiss of international friendship?  No, this time it’s a Russian coach or teammate congratulating a Russian athlete.

Turkish oil wrestlers kissing in a 1961 photo by LIFE’s Stan Wayman.  According to the Turks, it’s not gay if they coat themselves with oil, grapple with each other, stick their hands down each others’ pants trying to get a grip, and then the winner kisses the loser.  It’s just Turkish.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Anonyme said...

Yep that's something hot AF