
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Artists - Part 1b

 Juliusz Martwy/Lewandowski (continued)

Martwy/Lewandowsky has painted a large number of nudes and sex scenes.  A few of them include women, but it's clear his main interest is in men.  This 2010 work is called An Egg.

This is Akt Zelony (Green Nude), 2017.

This is Male nude in the bathroom.  I like the realistic, everyday setting.

This is Fruits of the Poison Orchard, 2014.  I'd love to know what the title refers to, but he also made two nearly identical copies of this work, one untitled and one called Lovers with Lamp.  So maybe we shouldn't read too much into the title.

This is called Kochankowie (Lovers), 2017.  Interestingly, his few paintings of heterosexual sex are much more explicit, showing penetrating penises.  His paintings of gay sex are less explicit, but they show people making love, not just having sex.

Even in this untitled 2017 painting of a guy rimming his lover, there's a feeling of care and tenderness.  This is a favorite subject of the artist.  I could have done a whole post on his paintings of guys rimming.

In the end, his paintings are not about sex but love.  This one is just called Love, 2018.  At first I thought the genitals had been omitted on the guy on the left, but when I looked closer, they're there, just dim and shadowy.  The focus is on the kiss, not the genitals.

The artist told a story about this painting.  Some workers came to his place when he was finishing this piece, and he didn't have time to hide it before they arrived.  Later, he put it away.  The next day, when they came back, they demanded to see it, saying "This is love."

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